Guess who’s back and got a tan?! That’s right, it’s your favourite delivery man Parcel Pete here!
I’ve been busy travelling the globe making sure all is in place as has now launched its international parcel delivery service. Over the last few months we’ve received a lot of feedback from customers asking if we could set up an International delivery service. And that’s exactly what we’ve done.
International Parcel Delivery:
International delivery is on the rise, whether you’re sending business parcels or a gift to a loved one can get your International parcels to its final destination with ease.
Send a parcel to anywhere in the world and benefit from:
- Incredibly low prices
- Intelligent online booking form – automatically generates customs invoices
- Parcel collection from your home
- Booking International and UK parcels in the same transaction
- Part of UK Mail Group with 40 years experience in worldwide shipping
- Quality end to end service
Our low prices have no compromise on our quality service, so whether you’re sending a parcel to USA or China, you can be sure your parcel is in safe hands.
Don’t forget, we’re still running our competition on my International Adventure. Keep an eye out on our Facebook & Twitter page, we’re close to the end now, competition closes on midnight 5th June. Hurry and get entering, you could win £50’s Love2Travel vouchers, a Kindle and other holiday travel essentials!

It’s coming up to the holiday season and Parcel Pete wants to explore the world. He’s had a busy few weeks getting ready for his International Adventures and here at we’ve taken you along every step of his journey with our competition.
International Competition:
We’re running a competition to celebrate Parcel Pete’s international delivery service, where you could win £50’s Love2Travel vouchers as well as a Kindle, which is great for a holiday read, along with other little holiday essentials.
So far in the competition Parcel Pete has taken his photo for his passport, received his passport and you’ve all given him a list of countries to go visit.
Stage 2:
You now need to help Parcel Pete pack his suitcase so he came all his International deliveries. So if there’s only one thing you could pack what would it be? The quirkier the better! This part of the competition will be running till Tuesday 28th May and then we’ll be posting a different question for you to answer for the next part of Pete’s International adventure.
How to Enter:
It’s easy to enter, all you have to do is answer all the questions and RT or Like/Share on twitter and Facebook.
If you’re on Twitter, simply retweet our tweets and answer the questions using #InternationalPete.
If you’re on Facebook, leave your answer as a comment or inbox message, dependant on the question and like and share the post.
The more you play the better! You can enter on both Twitter and Facebook and as many times as you like!
Competition closes on midnight June 5th, so hurry, there’s only going to be 1 winner!

Researching holidays, finding out where to go and what time of the year can be time consuming. have taken a look into this and have put together a little holiday timeline which will help advise you on where’s best to go, at specific times of the year.
Spring Break
Spring’s a great time of the year to visit places such as Morocco, Egypt and Italy, all short haul flights and nice and warm. African Safaris are also cheap this time of the year due to it being the wet season.
Summer Holidays
We don’t always get as much sun as we’d like during the summer season in the UK and some other destinations can be too hot for example Dubai and Egypt can be unbearably hot. Why not try Europe; you’ll get gorgeous weather, culture and landscapes from the likes of Sicily and Sardinia. Italy is also a personal favourite of our top delivery man, Parcel Pete.
Autumn Days
Temperatures become a lot more reasonable during the autumn term for destinations such as Dubai. You can still get a tan without being uncomfortably hot. We also recommend the Far East, they’ll be coming out of their wet season towards the end of autumn and the likes of Thailand and Malaysia are a must.
Winter Warmers
Escape the winter blues to warmer climes like Barbados, Jamaica, Cuba and Mexico. Prices may be slightly high but definitely worth it for the gorgeous beaches and crystal clear sea. If not, skiing is great this time of the year in Europe.
So there you have it, take a break from sending parcels and start booking your holidays, Parcel Pete certainly will be. Keep a look out on our Facebook and Twitter pages to see where in the world Parcel Pete will be visiting….
May Bank Holiday Weekend
It’s not every day we get a three day weekend so when it does happen it’ll be rude not to make the most of it. The weather has certainly improved over the last few weeks and is set to be pretty warm and sunny this coming May Bank Holiday, so here at we’ve scoured the events calendar and found some great things to do over the extended weekend.
London Wonderground:
The summer long pop-up cabaret fun festival is held at London’s Southbank Centre. There’s something there for everyone from quirky comedy shows for adults, family shows to children’s entertainment. With fair rides, band stands and food stalls, it’s definitely not one to be missed.
The Eden Project:
A great family day out, with plenty of things to do and see and this May Bank Holiday they’ve got spectacular performances from the International Male Voice Choral Festival. The Eden project in Cornwall is the world's largest rainforest in captivity with steamy jungles, waterfalls and always an array of activities and entertainment on. So grab your family and friends and take in the spectacular views.
Rooftop Film Club:
This is definitely something you can’t do every day in sunny old UK. Why not sit outside on a warm evening and watch one of your favourite movies. This bank holiday weekend programme features Eighties favourites Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Sat May 4), Flight of the Navigator (Sun May 5) and Willow (Mon May 6).
Bank Holiday Parcel Delivery:
Parcel Pete will be off on his travels enjoying his 3 day weekend, so don’t forget if you’re booking your parcel delivery on Friday 3rd May it won’t be collected till Tuesday 7th May.
Have a great weekend all and if all else fails why not visit Parcel Pete’s own little world at, where the sky is always blue, the grass always green and the temperature always above 20 degrees!
With the release of Iron Man 3 this week, here at we’ve taken a look back at some of our favourite superhero’s and even included one of our own…..
Superman was the very first mainstream superhero, and also the most powerful. No other superhero comes close in terms of strength, speed or sheer number of powers. The ultimate nice guy, superman grew up on Earth to become its protector. Kryptonite is his weakness and Lex Luthor is one of his arch enemies.
The only major superhero without any powers! Batman is just a normal human being like us but with impressive gadgets, cave hideout and martial art skills, he’s definitely not one to be crossed. Did you know the original Batman from the DC comic books actually carries kryptonite on him? Just in case Superman turns awry, Batman can step in and save the day.
Spider Man:
Peter Parker is our most relatable and unlikeliest of hero’s. Bitten by a spider, Peter transforms into Spidey casting webs across the city saving his neighbours from danger whilst cracking a few jokes on the way. His enemies include, the Green Goblin and Sandman.
Iron Man:
Tony Stark, the entrepreneur and CEO of Stark Industries creates his own body armour to save his life and escape captivity. The ingenious engineer is loved for his cocky arrogance and sharp wit and he also forms part of the superhero group The Avengers.
Parcel Pete:
No superhero list would be complete without our very own hero Parcel Pete! Parcel Pete is known for his friendly, loveable nature and going out of his way to exceed the customer’s expectation. He does a fair bit for charity and is always on hand to ensure your parcel delivery goes without a bump!

The rise and rise of online retailers has been and will continue to be phenomenal. With various selling platforms available at an affordable rate it’s easy to get your small online business up and running in no time. is an example of the new era online businesses, all that we do is online and we’ve noticed that a lot of customers are also online retailers.
Social Media for your Business
Many big name retailers have tried selling directly in the social space and have had their fingers burnt. Don’t invest in technology to actually transact on your social space when your e-commerce platform is only a click away.
Use social media to interact with customers and build a community. It will help you develop your brand’s tone of voice and make you more familiar to potential customers. A few ways to develop social media to drive sales is by offering exclusive content. Make your content share-worthy this can be done via imagery or simple wording and incentives for things such as offers, promotions and new campaigns. The more share worthy your content is the more potential customers it will reach.
Key Online Business Drivers
As well as engaging into social media its important you don’t forget the fundamentals of ensuring online business growth such as supply & demand, website functionality, customer services and delivery service.
Whether you offer customers next day delivery or 2-3 day delivery it’s integral to offer them a cheap & reliable service.
Hi! It’s Parcel Pete here, just giving you an update on what I’ve been up to recently as side from delivering your parcels. On Wednesday 10th April I went to visit The NSPCC, who are UK Mail’s and’s chosen charity.
As you may know is part of the UK Mail group who are one the largest mail, parcels and logistics company in the UK. As part of the group, last year we chose the NSPCC as our charity to support further in its quest to end cruelty to children. The charity also provides ChildLine and a national helpline so that any worried or concerned child or adult can call anytime for help or advice.
The NSPCC has been able to help more than 10 million children in the UK since it was founded in 1880, and as it is funded primarily by public donations, it can direct resources to where it believes the need is greatest.
Special Delivery:
Throughout the year my team and UK Mail staff have been raising money for the NSPCC through a variety of activities as well as dress down days and payroll lottery. So on Wednesday I went down to the NSPCC’s office in Birmingham to make a special delivery. In total we donated a staggering £35,300! We hope this goes a long way to help and support the great work the charity has been doing.
You can check out the picture of me handing the cheque over to the NSPCC on our Facebook page.
It’s that time again…we’ve got another competition for you! This time round Parcel Pete’s getting eggcited for Easter and has got a chocolate treat to give away.
With Easter fast approaching we thought it’d be nice to treat a special someone this year to a luxurious Thorntons Chocolate Hamper AND £50’s worth of Love2Shop vouchers. Not only will you win all of that but also a one off special discount voucher code for our service, saving you loads of money when you next place an order with us.
How to Enter:
It’s easy to enter and we’ve given you 4 different ways to do so:
- Simply use voucher code: EASTER255 for 10% when you place an order between 18th March- 24th March.
- Retweet our specific Easter tweets on Twitter
- Share & Like our Easter post on Facebook
- Leave us a comment on our Easter post on our Facebook page starting your sentence off with “I’m sending an Easter parcel via ipostparcels to (person of your choice) because (why you’re sending them Easter Treats)”
1 lucky winner will be drawn so hurry & get entering!
Competition closes at 11.59pm on Sunday 24th March.
Good Luck and don’t forget to keep a look out on Twitter and Facebook!

Easter is fast approaching, have been learning more about the history and traditions as well as munching on a few Easter Eggs. Take a look at we’ve found below:
Origins of Easter:
Easter is one of the most significant Christian festivals of the year dating back to the 2nd century AD it’s a festival to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter follows Lent, a 40 day preparation for Easter dedicated to fasting and prayer. Easter traditions include a candlelight vigil on Easter Sunday and a special church service called the Easter Eucharist.
The Easter Egg:
Secular and commercial traditions have come out of Easter as well with the most popular being the Easter Egg. The exchanging of Easter Eggs dates back to before Christianity was introduced, where decorated Eggs were given to one another to symbolise life and fertility.
The Easter Bunny:
The Easter bunny has its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore. The Hare and the Rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of the new life during the spring season. The bunny as an Easter symbol stems back to Germany, where it was first mentioned in German writings in the 1500s. The first edible Easter bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800s out of pastry and sugar.
Easter Delivery:
So, there we have it, a low down on all things Easter! Remember if you want to send a parcel over the Easter period to check out our Easter Delivery Schedule to ensure your parcels arrive when you need them to.
Happy Easter!
BBC1 will be taken over by Comic Relief on Friday 15th March, a night of sketch shows, performances and most importantly fundraising for a just world free from poverty. Here at we’ve taken a look into the Comic Relief archive and put together some of its funniest moments over the years.
Comic Relief History:
It all started back in 1985 on Christmas Day, live on BBC1 from a refugee camp in Sudan. At the time there was devastating famine in Ethiopia and action was needed. Comic Relief came into place to help. The idea behind it was to bring together British celebs to make the public laugh while they raised money. In 1988 red nose day was launched and made a huge impact with the first televised night raising a staggering £15m!
Comic Relief’s Funniest Moments:
The team have had a look through at some of the most memorable Comic Relief moments and put together the top 3:
No 3- James Cordon playing Smithy from Gavin and Stacey wanders in to the England footy teams meeting and gives them a motivational speech using the wise words of John Barnes
No 2- The French kiss, back in the 90’s a million pounds was raised purely for Dawn French’s dream to come true and get a loving kiss from a rather young Hugh Grant- the build up to this was hilarious!
No 1- Our top moment was when Ali G interviewed Posh Spice and David Beckham, it was from this interview the world was privy to the nickname Victoria had for David ‘Golden Balls’. Line of the night was when Ali G asked Victoria if her little boy had started to put sentences together, she answered as she would about her son but Ali G was actually asking about Becks!
This year is set to be another eventful night with plenty more laughs to help tackle the serious issue that is poverty. Here at we’ll be doing our bit by dressing down and wearing red whilst making sure your parcels go out for next day delivery.