Researching holidays, finding out where to go and what time of the year can be time consuming. ipostparcels.com have taken a look into this and have put together a little holiday timeline which will help advise you on where’s best to go, at specific times of the year.
Spring Break
Spring’s a great time of the year to visit places such as Morocco, Egypt and Italy, all short haul flights and nice and warm. African Safaris are also cheap this time of the year due to it being the wet season.
Summer Holidays
We don’t always get as much sun as we’d like during the summer season in the UK and some other destinations can be too hot for example Dubai and Egypt can be unbearably hot. Why not try Europe; you’ll get gorgeous weather, culture and landscapes from the likes of Sicily and Sardinia. Italy is also a personal favourite of our top delivery man, Parcel Pete.
Autumn Days
Temperatures become a lot more reasonable during the autumn term for destinations such as Dubai. You can still get a tan without being uncomfortably hot. We also recommend the Far East, they’ll be coming out of their wet season towards the end of autumn and the likes of Thailand and Malaysia are a must.
Winter Warmers
Escape the winter blues to warmer climes like Barbados, Jamaica, Cuba and Mexico. Prices may be slightly high but definitely worth it for the gorgeous beaches and crystal clear sea. If not, skiing is great this time of the year in Europe.
So there you have it, take a break from sending parcels and start booking your holidays, Parcel Pete certainly will be. Keep a look out on our Facebook and Twitter pages to see where in the world Parcel Pete will be visiting….
With the weather the way it is and forecasts predicting even more downpour in the days to come we’re all looking for alternative things to do to keep us busy and out of the blistering winds and torrential rain.
Traditionally spring cleaning is carried out on the first few days of Spring when the warm rays of sunshine break through the winter gloom that our minds turn to the cleaning up of the effects of the winter storms and the short dull days. Or is it? As soon as we get a bit of sun we can’t think of anything better to do than getting out the house and enjoying the Spring warmth.
Here at ipostparcels.com we think now is an ideal opportunity to tackle those lofts and garages piling up with ‘junk’ as well as getting the curtains down for a good wash and a bit of polish on that silverware. What better way to pass those dull boring showers that are set for the coming weekend!
So get your rubber gloves and bin liners at the ready to dust and de-clutter your homes. And you never know, whilst you’re de-cluttering you may come across some things that could be worth selling on eBay, you know what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Some items may not be worth selling so why not donate to your local charity shop. Not only will ipostparcels.com be able to take this unwanted clutter from you, we’ll also save you a few penny’s by giving you an extra 10% off just use the voucher code SPRING04.
Don’t forget if you do decide to sell or donate some of your findings from your spring clean, you don’t even need to step out the house to send, we’ll get Parcel Pete to come out straight to you to collect your parcel and deliver it the next day. Bonus, with weather like this!