Sending parcels to Syria

Officially known as the Syrian Arab Republic, what we call Syria is located in Western Asia, and is bordered by Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon. For the past four and a half years, a civil war has ravaged the country - more than 250,000 locals have lost their lives and a further 11 million have had to leave their homes. It's understandable that delivering parcels to Syria is currently very difficult.
However, there is every possibility that things may change and settle in the future. To keep up to date on what's happening in Syria, check the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office's (FCO's) website. If you have family over there, and want to risk sending a parcel, please
contact us - we will be able to advise further.
What can't I send?
As with many countries, there are a number of things you are prohibited from sending to Syria, but some of the limitations are rather unusual. For example, you can't send live animals in the post except leeches and bees. You have to make sure they're packed away safely, though! All cereals are also prohibited (but wheat seed is fine). Do not try to post ordinary or toilet soap either. If you wish to send shaving soap, that is allowed.
Some of the prohibited items are a bit more obvious, they include:
Narcotics such as opium, morphine and cocaine
Obscene publications
Military apparel
Packaging your parcel
Your parcel has a long way to go, so it's important that it is packaged properly, otherwise there's a chance it may get damaged along the way. After all, there are some 2,844 miles between London and Damascus, Syria's capital. This is why you should always buy high quality packaging materials - corrugated cardboard boxes are particularly tough. You should always use jiffy bags for smaller items. Don't forget to cushion your item with polyethylene foam or shredded paper, taking extra care and effort if you're sending something fragile.
Once your item is nice and secure, seal the box with strong tape. If you're reusing packaging, be sure to remove any old postage labels - if you can't, cover them up with the tape.
Remember that just sticking a 'handle with care' label on your parcel is not enough to keep your item safe - proper packaging is a must!
Sending parcel to Syria may not be possible at this time, but hopefully things will get better soon. In the meantime, check with us first, and we'll see what we can do.
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Sending parcels to Syria