The lowdown on sending parcels to Hungary


Hungary, which is in the heart of the Carpathian Basin, is a landlocked nation with plenty of neighbouring countries, including Austria, Serbia and Romania. Home to the largest lake in Central Europe, Hungary has some blissfully warm thermal springs and an intriguing political history.

Hungary as we now know it, though, has actually only existed since the Treaty of Trianon at the end of World War I, after which it shrunk in size considerably. Today its largest city is the capital Budapest.

The country is known for its whimsical folk traditions, including its cheerful, intricately painted eggs and hearty dishes such as goulash. The Hungarians are a brainy bunch, claiming 13 Nobel prizes. Hungarians were also responsible for inventing the biro and the Rubik's cube!

Despite only having around 10 million inhabitants, Hungary has a thriving economy and the UK is its seventh largest investor in the country. This means it's likely you'll be sending parcels there from time to time, so here's some tips to remember to ensure your parcel arrives without a hitch.

What can't you send?

There are restrictions to be aware of when mailing items to Hungary. It's prohibited to send national monetary instruments in the mail; this includes items like stocks, bonds and unsigned traveller's cheques. It almost goes without saying that radioactive materials should not be sent in the mail, but for Hungary this extends to materials like earth, peat and natural fertilisers. When it comes to fresh produce, the stems and leaves of potatoes, tomatoes and aubergines may not be sent.

Where printed matter is concerned, illustrations and articles prejudicial to general human values and human rights cannot be sent. This also applies to any materials that me be liable to stir up animosity towards the Republic of Hungary, any other country, or against any people, nationality or creed.

Piracy is not tolerated and copies audio or video cassettes or CDs which infringe copyright are forbidden. Offensive weapons that are not part of a commercial exchange, including items like knuckle-dusters, flick knives and coches are also not permitted.

There are also a number of restricted items so it's worth checking with the Magyar Post website before you send pharmaceutical items, produce and weapons.

What else do I need to know?

As Hungary is within the EU, parcels will not need any specific customs documentation, which is excellent news - less paperwork means more time trying to solve your Rubik's cube.

While we take every care with your item it does have a little way to go, around a thousand miles in fact, so it's best to take every precaution. When packaging up your parcel, wrap it carefully, ensuring any fragile items are well protected. Make sure to write the address clearly, with HUNGARY in capital letters at the end of the address, as advised by the Universal Postal Union.

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Please note if you do not select the “signature required” delivery option, UKMail will not be liable should your items be subsequently lost or damaged after the delivery (see clause 11.7 of the Terms & Conditions). *We define a “Parcel” as a package with dimensions up to 80cm x 80cm x 80cm and a weight of up to 25kg.

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