How to package something priceless

Whether your item is financially valuable, irreplaceable to you or just of utmost importance - packaging it is key to ensure it survives any unavoidable bumps in the journey. Here's how to do just that - offering not only protection from financial outlay, but peace of mind as well.
Sending fragile items
We've covered packaging fragile items before in detail here, but when it comes to super fragile items there are a few key things to consider...
If sending glass products, ensure you wrap each item with tissue paper or newspaper, then pad the whole package out with bubble wrap. For items that have small parts - such as the stems of wine glasses - senders should pay these particular attention. With glass items, writing 'Glass' clearly on the outside of the package will help handlers know to be extra careful with your package on its journey. It's also prudent to write 'liquids' on any package containing them, as packages containing fluids may not be allowed on the same machines as regular items.
Ensure to package all fragile or breakable items in a sturdy cardboard box - stiff corrugated cardboard is best. Choose a box larger than your items and stuff around with packaging materials like Styrofoam packing peanuts, more bubble wrap or scrunched up newspaper. Make sure that your items cannot move around in the box.
For really delicate items, you could consider picking up an inexpensive cooler box - these reinforced plastic tubs are pretty indestructible and will really protect your fragile item, particularly if it has a long journey ahead of it. Pack your item in the cooler in the same way as described above, and then place the cooler in a box, packing around to fill any space. Be aware that this method will likely cost more to send due to the weight of the cooler, though. If the package is invaluable, though, it's a small price to pay.
If sending items like pictures or paintings; protect delicate parts like corners of the frame with cardboard, bubble wrap or strong tissue, and tape in place. Place a sheet of bubble wrap and cardboard over the front and back of the picture, and then wrap the whole piece well to cover all angles.
What else to consider?
If your item is financially valuable, be sure to declare the value on the shipping form and if necessary add extended cover. If sending internationally make sure to check the list of items which will only be carried on a no-compensation basis by ipostparcels; this includes items like fossils, artwork, and designer goods. The full list can be found by clicking the link on the Send International Parcel page.
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