Business intelligence
Business analytics
What is big data?
Can small businesses tap into big data?
Collecting customer data
Data security and legal issues
The mere presence of all this data isn’t too useful in itself. If you don’t know what you’re looking for or how to sift all this accumulated information then it can become the data equivalent of white noise and a little overwhelming. But if you do then the benefits can be huge.
First few lines:
Numbers might not make the world go round but they can be used to describe the forces that do. Pythagoras believed that “number rules the universe” and data can certainly be hugely important and valuable for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Most businesses create, deal with, or are exposed to many different pieces and types of data every day. Transactions, customer details, and receipts and expenditures of varying kinds all add to the never-ending flow of information that surround and in some ways define a business.
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