April Fools’ Day: Five of the best postage pranks
‘Twas the night before April, when all through the house
Not a person was sleeping, not even your spouse;
The whoopee cushion was placed on the sofa with care,
In the hopes that your partner will sit down and swear.
And while your friends remain all snug in their beds,
Visions of pranking them dance in your head.
There are plenty of poems and songs about Christmas – but very little for April Fools’ Day, so we thought we’d give all the prospective pranksters out there a verse to call their own.
April Fools’ Day is a weird one; a day when even your loved ones become your potential prank victims, and you realise your best mates are all out to get you. But with everyone at full alert all morning long – expecting someone to try and prank them – are there still ways to plan a sneak attack?
Well, sending a prank in the mail is one such way. Nobody will expect an ipostparcels delivery person! You’ve found a cheap delivery service – now you just need to think of the gag. Here are five postage pranks.
Snakes in a can

It’s a stone-cold classic. You place coiled ‘snakes’ inside a small can labelled as food, complete with the sound effect that food is present inside, only for the multi-coloured snakes to come flying out into the face of your prankee when they go for a bite. Get the food item delivered amongst a few other items and the person won’t suspect a thing – as long as you come up with a good excuse for the deliveryfor which throws them off track.
The tins of deluxe mixed nuts might be a bit old hat these days though, so you might want to think of another product you could use to house your prank and lure them in. Healthy snacks are all the rage these days – maybe this will act as a good cover?
Booby trap gift box

The second prank is along the same lines as snakes in a can, only bigger. The booby trap gift box is sure to startle any unsuspecting victim – after all, who doesn’t love getting a parcel in the post?
You take a large box and a bunch of traditional party poppers; add a bit of glue, and voila. When the prankee opens the mysterious package they’ll be met with a blast. It’s a sure-fire way to turn someone into an April Fool, and it takes no time at all to put together. Here is a step-by-step guide to putting your own booby trap gift box together.
Krispy Kreme box filled with fruit
What a deliciously cruel prank to play. While having doughnuts for breakfast is more an American tradition, there aren’t many people who would be disappointed if a box of Krispy Kreme arrived at their door in the morning. If you opened it up to find there was something less enticing inside, that’s sure to put a downer of the day.
Susan Hennes posted her prank on Instagram last year, and we think it’s such a good idea that we couldn’t be surprised to see lots of people posting boxes of mislabelled food to prankees this year.
Massive parcel, tiny item

Speaking of filling a box with something you wouldn’t expect, we’ve always been a big fan of the ‘massive parcel, tiny item’ gag. See that man above? Look how happy he looks. He’s just received a large parcel marked fragile in the post – it must be something good, right?
On any other day, maybe - but not April Fools’ Day. Imagine if when he opened that box all he found was a single biro pen or a little bag of buttons surrounded by polystyrene loosefill packaging peanuts. Hilarious.
Glitter envelope

Nothing is messier and harder to get rid of than glitter. You could spend hours vacuuming and it’ll still turn up on your clothes, in your pockets, on your shoes, and in your hair. That’s what makes sending a glitter envelope such a simple but effective April Fools’ Day prank.
They tear it open; a little glitter falls out; they feel inside for the main contents; there are none. It’s just more glitter – and it goes everywhere. Happy April Fools’ Day!
If you’re thinking of using a courier to deliver your prank, you needn’t worry about price – there are plenty of parcel comparison sites and you’re sure to find a cheap UK courier service, so focus your funds on the joke itself. Check out information on how to send a parcel and start preparing!