Parcel Pete's Video Launch
Parcel Pete has starred in his very first video on YouTube , taking you through the service and all it has to offer.
As it’s his first ever video we thought what better way to launch it than to run a competition for you to get involved in!
As part of the competition we want to know what you would like the next Parcel Pete video to be about . We’ve put together a poll on Facebook with three options , all you have to do is vote for whichever one you like and simply share your answer on Facebook and Twitter . We’re always grateful for your answers and we’ll be giving away a brand new Samsung Digital 16.2MP Camera worth £149.99 featuring Wifi & social sharing to one lucky winner.
It’s easy to enter and we've given you 3 ways to do so:
- Like & Share our video posts on Facebook
- Retweet our video posts on Twitter
- Answer our poll on Facebook
Only 1 winner, so hurry and get entering, competition closes at 11.59pm on Wednesday 25th September.
Good luck and don’t forget to keep a look out on Twitter and Facebook !