Everyone loves getting deliveries – it’s usually the sign that the pair of shoes that were ordered weeks ago have finally arrived.
Or maybe it’s the birthday present from that long-forgotten family member on the other side of the world!
Alternatively it might be the piece of pipe that you’ve needed to fix the dripping tap that’s kept you awake at night for the last three months...
Whatever the parcel is that’s arrived, the chances are that it will come in some sort of delivery box – a load of cardboard that is already destined for the recycling bin.
Or maybe not...
Here we take a look at some of the ways that people have chosen to be creative with their delivery boxes, rather than simply throwing them out.
1. Get lost in it

As ideas regarding afternoon entertainment for the kids go, losing them for a few hours by constructing this rather nifty maze takes a bit of beating! Granted, it might take several deliveries before creating one on this scale is possible, but at least those wasted boxes can be put to good use…
2. Wear it
Definitely one of the crazier options, but if you were to feel like ditching your clothes for a little bit of cardboard comfort, who can blame you! Looks comfortable…doesn’t it?
3. Play in it
A little bit of paint and the addition of an iPad and this train has the potential to keep the kids occupied for hours on end! Who said babysitting had to be difficult?
4. Make the cat a nice bed
Couple together a love of transformers, a cute kitty and a spare cardboard box and you can create this absolutely outstanding cat bed! It’s just a shame that Fluffy doesn’t look too impressed about being woken up…
5. Build a castle
They say an Englishman’s home is his castle, so why not create your very own with a bit of scissor work and a dab of paint?
6. Anyone for Tetris?
As far as games go, Tetris remains up there among the very best, although just how this ingenious creation will work remains to be seen. That said, there are alternatives if it doesn’t work… Giant Jenga anyone?
7. Create a table
Ever wanted your laptop screen to be ever so slightly higher when you’re using it? Well fear no more as this practical solution (unlike some of the other designs here) has the potential to do just that. Sit back comfortably and shop online to your heart’s content…that next piece of cardboard furniture is just another delivery away…
8. Build a clock
If you’ve always wanted a Grandfather clock but were previously stumped by how much they cost, there’s always a cheaper option! This fantastic piece of design is made entirely from cardboard (apart from the clock motor) and really looks the part!
9. Get creative
Or you could just be creative! With some scissors and glue there is no end to what you can create – such as this brilliant cardboard masterpiece (yes it is built entirely from a cardboard box)!
If you reckon you can build something better, why not give it a go!
10. Live in it
If all else fails there’s always one last option… although home comforts are by no means guaranteed…
Images source: Reddit.com