These stories feature all genuine items that individuals have in the past tried to smuggle onto aeroplanes. They range from the silly to the down right scary!!...
1. A tiger Cub
The cub was sedated and hidden in a suitcase amongst stuffed toy tiger cubs – He was discovered when Thai officials spotted bones via the x-ray machine at security!

2. A human head!
A woman who practiced voo-doo was caught in the US trying to smuggle a human head into the country – She was charged with, well trying to smuggle a human head into the US, an actual offence!
3. Monkeys in pants!
Not monkeys wearing pants, but being smuggled into LA in someone’s pants. When a bird of paradise flew out of a travellers luggage he was asked if he had anything else to declare, to which he answered ‘I have monkeys in my pants’…
4. A crocodile!
A live crocodile was successfully smuggled onto a plane in the Democratic Republic of Congo – It promptly escaped and caused such panic, passengers and crew ran to the front of the plane, which crashed killing 21 people!
5. Live fish!
A woman who was travelling from Singapore to Australia was apprehended when officials hear ‘sloshing’ as she moved about. To their surprise she had a custom made apron on under her skirt, the pockets of which were filled with live, tropical fish!
6. Snakes in a bra!
A female traveller in Stockholm, Sweden was found with 75 lives snakes in her bra and six lizards up her skirt! Apparently the woman who had dreams of setting up a reptile farm raised suspicions after officials noticed her bosom ‘moving’!

The above are all extreme examples, but it does happen… In the end it did cost them dear!...
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