Halloween is a notoriously scary time of year. From terrifying costumes to perfectly executed pranks, there’s always something just waiting to make you jump out of your skin.
It’s the time of the year that pizza delivery boys hate (you’ll see why a bit later) and there’s always plenty of trick or treaters out looking to provide a fright.
But what if some of those nasty surprises arrive in the mail?
Just imagine the situation. It’s the day before Halloween and the delivery man has come and gone. There’s now a rather large box now sitting on the front room floor. It’s thundering outside and you’re home alone. You prepare yourself to open the box, and then this fella pops out…
That said, we think any of these guys might have a similar effect were they to turn up in the mail…
Alternatively, you’ve waited several weeks for your new pet dog to be delivered but when he turns up he’s not quite as expected…
Back in the day there was a lack of restrictions on what people could send via the post. It was even possible to send people – and it was cheaper than travel too – although the practice was quickly outlawed…and rightly so!
Otherwise sales of the following delivered item may have seen a drastic increase. Imagine getting home to find this on your doorstep – or being the poor guy that has to deliver it for that matter.
What would the neighbours think?
Of course there’s one thing everyone fears at Halloween… Who’d have thought a simple four letter word could provide such a scare…
That’s right, it’s that unexpected BILL!
Finally, while Halloween presents and pranks are great fun, spare a thought for pizza delivery boys this Halloween…