We’ve all returned home at one time or another with a present for someone special.
Something that they will absolutely love and cherish, and crucially something that will least expect.
The feeling of achievement usually lasts right up until the realisation that deciding what to get was the easy part.
Packaging it up ready to post is where the real challenge starts!
The basics
To package oddly-shaped items there are basic essentials that are always needed – scissors, sticky tape and lots and lots of bubble wrap.
If you’re lucky, the addition of an oversized cardboard box will solve any problems – just remove the cat first!
Simply wrap your item in bubblewrap and then put more bubble wrap or screwed up pieces of old newspaper into the box.
Place you item snugly in the padding and use some more to fill around it until you’re confident that it cannot move. Tape the box shut and voila!
Thinking out of the box
If you don’t have a box to use then it’s time to get creative.
Start with bubble wrap and keep on wrapping until you’re sure that nothing can get broken. What’s called for next is a large sheet of good quality traditional brown parcel paper. Double wrap it nice and tight and fold in the edges to make it look neat.
Scribble ‘Fragile’ in large letters on the side as many times as you and sit back and wait.
You can even write a little message if you want…

And even provide some helpful advice…

Image credit: Reddit.com