Sending parcels to Romania

Known for its culture, history, arts and beautiful scenery, Romania is the largest of the Balkan countries in Eastern Europe; with a population of 21.4 million, it's easy to see why! It's also famously home to Bran Castle, or Dracula's Castle, as it's more commonly called. However, it's pretty unlikely you'll be sending parcels to any vampires (blood is a prohibited item!).
If you're a Romanian living in the UK, or you just have friends or relatives over there, you'll want to know what you can and can't send, as well as ways of packaging your parcel correctly. Hopefully, our guide proves to be useful.

What can't I send?

Since Romania is part of the European Union, most of the postage restrictions are fairly standard. However, there are some more unusual prohibitions you might not be aware of, including graphite products, blank ATM cards and communistic materials. Romania used to be a Communist country - the political ideology was practically forced upon it during Soviet occupation. It is now a democratic nation, so it's understandable why it doesn't want any more Communist material in its country!
Many of the other prohibitions are a lot more obvious. They include:
Radioactive materials

Packaging your parcel

There is a huge 1,302 miles between London and Bucharest, Romania's capital. In order for your parcel to arrive safely and completely undamaged, it's vital that you package it properly. A 'Handle with care' or 'Fragile' sticker simply isn't enough!
No matter whether the item you're packaging is breakable or not, you should always pad out the box or bag with shredded paper, polythene foam or something just as protective. Your item is more susceptible to damage if it moves around too much, so any padding should prevent this from happening.
Never buy cheap or weak packaging materials. Don't send your item in a box you've used a million times either, or you'll risk it falling apart on the way. The best packaging material for larger, heavier items is corrugated cardboard, as it is very strong. If it's a small item you're sending, always use a jiffy bag if possible.
Once you've packaged your item, secure the box or bag with parcel tape - make sure there are no gaps! If it's a box that's been used once or twice before, remove any traces of previous postage labels. They're often tough to remove, so just cover them up with parcel tape. When writing the address, be sure to put 'ROMANIA' in capital letters.
If you have any other questions about sending parcels to Romania, please don't hesitate to contact us

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